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AlphaSSL 简介

点击数:67672010-07-14 15:24:30 来源: 中国数字证书


AlphaSSL 是专业的SSL证书提供商,提供超低价格的SSL证书。AlphaSSL 在SSL证书行业拥有多年服务经验,并以低廉的价格和优质的服务向全球SSL证书用户提供服务,满足SSL低端用户市场的需求,同时它也是高可信、支持256位加密的SSL证书。


我们不是SSL证书代理商,AlphaSSL 拥有自己的根证书,政策声明。


About AlphaSSL

From the team that formerly managed low end SSL Provider RapidSSL.com before it was acquired by VeriSign comes AlphaSSL - a specialist SSL Provider, focused on delivering and supporting entry level, low cost SSL Certificates. AlphaSSL is a result of combining years of experience in the SSL industry with a clear vision on how to best fulfill the growing demand for SSL worldwide with the lowest possible pricing - and all for highly trusted, highly supported 256 bit SSL Certificates.

A focus on customer service. A focus on excellence.
With our staff being seasoned industry veterans in the world of SSL, we believe we offer the highest value entry level SSL at the lowest possible costs. We support all our customers via phone and email, where we're only too happy to talk you through an installation or give you tips on how to genereate that CSR trouble free. It is this dedication to customer service that we believe sets us apart from our competitors. When you call us, we answer. We won't force you to complete a ticket that gets left unawswered for 24 hours or more. Because we pride ourselves in fast issuance times and easy installation, we want to make sure that you don't just receive the SSL Certificate, but you have it up and running and securing your site just as quickly too!

We own our own root.
We are not another "reseller". AlphaSSL owns its own root CA certificates and operates under its own stringent set of policy statements and documents - available for public viewing in the AlphaSSL Legal Repository.

AlphaSSL Repository
Click here to view the AlphaSSL Repository of Legal Documents
