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Barracuda SSL VPN - 生成CSR文件

点击数:145602014-11-20 11:41:00 来源: Digicert

Barracuda SSL VPN: Generating Your CSR

If your Barracuda SSL VPN device web interface supports the creation of a 2048 bit certificate signing request (CSR), you can use its web interface to create your CSR.

If you already have your SSL, Intermediate, and Root Certificates .crt files, and you just need to install them, see Barracuda SSL VPN – SSL Certificate Installation.

How to Use the Barracuda User Interface to Generate Your CSR

  1. Log into the Barracuda SSL VPN device web interface.

    For example: https://sslvpn.example.com:8443

  2. In the SSL VPN Web Interface, click Basic > SSL Certificate.

    Barracuda CSR Creation Edit Data

  3. On the SSL Certificate page, in the SSL Certificate Configuration section, in the Certificate Type drop-down list, select Trusted (Signed by a trusted CA).

  4. In the Trusted (Signed by a trusted CA) section, click Edit Data.

  5. In the CSR Generation window, enter the following information:

    Common Name You must enter the full DNS (domain name system) name (i.e. sslvpn.example.com).
    Country Code (2 characters) Enter the two digit country code for the country where your company is legally located.
      If you don’t know your country’s two digit code, see SSL Certificate Country Codes.
    State or Province Enter the state or Province in which your company is legally located.
    Locality (City) Enter the city in which your company is legally located.
    Organization (Company) Name Enter your company’s legally registered name (i.e. YourCompany, Inc.).
    Organizational (Department) Unit Enter the name of your department within the organization.
      (Frequently this entry will be listed as "IT" or "Web Security")
    Key Size In the drop-down list, select 2048.
    Expires In N/A (use default setting)

    Barracuda CSR Generation

  6. When you are finished entering your information, click Save Changes.

  7. On the SSL Certificate page, in the Trusted (Signed by a trusted CA) section, click Download CSR and then save a copy of your CSR.

    Barracuda CSR Generation

  8. (Optional) In some cases, you may need to download the private. Click Download Key to download the private key (private_key.txt).

    Save this file in a secure place as it may be needed later when you install your SSL Certificate files.

    Barracuda CSR Generation

  9. Use a text editor to open the CSR file. Then, copy the text, including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST tags, and enter it into the CHINASSL.NET order form.

    Sample CSR:
  10. After you receive your SSL, Intermediate, and Root Certificate .crt files from CHINASSL.NET, you can install them.

    See Barracuda SSL VPN – SSL Certificate Installation.
