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Microsoft Exchange 2010 - 安装SSL证书

点击数:97572013-11-11 20:46:46 来源: 中国数字证书CHINASSL

第一步Step 1

Start de Exchange Managment Console (Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Console).

第二步Step 2

Expand Microsoft Exchange On-Premises, Click on "Server Configuration" on the left side, click on the friendly name in the middle and click on "Complete Pending Request..." on the right side.

第三步Step 3

Browse to your certificate and click on complete. The server will now complete your certificate. Once the server is done click on finish.

第四步Step 4

To enable your certificate for use, go back to the Exchange Management Console and click the link to "Assign Services to Certificate."

第五步Step 5

Click next, and select services to assign your certificate. Click next followed by Assign.

Your certificate is now Installed and Enabled for use with Exchange2010.
