Symantec Code Signing 代码签名证书
赛门铁克Symantec 公司成立于1982年4月,公司总部位于加利福尼亚州的 Cupertino,现已发展成为世界上规模较大的软件公司之一,拥有 17,500 多名员工,遍布 40 多个国家和地区。
Symantec 是全球领先的数字证书认证机构,为网站、内联网和外联网的电子商务及通讯提供安全保护。Symantec 通过强大的加密功能和严格的身份认证,保护着全世界超过50万台服务器的安全。
年数(Duration) | 价格(Price) |
1年 | |
2年 | |
3年 | |
4年 | 咨询客服 |
5年 | 咨询客服 |
立刻购买 |
- 验证方式: 企业验证
- 签发时间: 5-7个工作日
- 免费重签: 是
- 支持Windows: 是
- 代码签名: 是
- Microsoft Authenticode: 是
- Sun Java: 是
- Adobe AIR: 是
- Apple applications: 是
- Microsoft Office and VBA:是
代码签名证书Code Signing Certificates
在木马和病毒横行的互联网上,用户经常通过网络下载软件,如何向您的用户保证您的代码是真实可信的呢?如何防止心怀叵测的黑客修改您发布的代码,植入病毒 或木马,给您的用户造成损失从而毁坏您的声誉呢?
微软代码签名证书Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft Authenticode Code
微软徽标认证 ("Designed for Windows logo" Digital IDs):用微软代码签名证书数字签名微软Windows Logo 认证的各种软件、硬件驱动程序(.exe, .cab, .dll .ocx, .xpi)等,而后将已签名的软件给微软测试认证,此外微软徽章认证还包括微软 Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) testing programs(Windows 硬件质量实验室测试计划 ) 认证。 If you use a Code Signing Certificate SSL, you will be able to show your customers that you are offering them safe downloads. This will mean that your reputation will remain intact and you will continue to succeed. What code signing will so Is authenticate the source of the code and show that the file is genuine. This Microsoft Authenticode signing certificate is able to sign code developed on multiple platforms. It can add a digital signature to 32 and 64-bit user code and can sign code for Netscape Object Signing, Microsoft VBA, Marimba Channel Signing Codesigning certificate and Microsoft Office 2000. |
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Java 代码签名证书Sun Java Code signing Certificates
对于桌面和移动设备 Java 应用程序,可以对 .jar 文件和 Netscape Object Signing 进行数字签名。为 Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 所识别。 Customers will be able to see that your content and code is all safe if you use code signing. It will protect your reputation as they will know that the code you have is authenticated. This proves the integrity of your online content. The Sun Java code signing certificate from Thawte is designed specifically for java applications for mobile devices and desktops and it is recognised by Java Runtime Environment. |
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Adobe AIR代码签名证书Adobe AIR Code Signing Certificates
对 .air 或 .airi 文件进行数字签名。所有基于 AIR 的应用程序所必需的。 It is possible to use code signing to make sure that your code and content is safe for them to download. The source of the code is authenticated by code signing and confirms that the content is safe. The code signing for Adobe Air is recognised by Adobe Ajax and Flex files. |
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Mac 代码签名证书Code Signing Certificates
code signing will show your customers that your content and code is safe for them to download. The content source will be authenticated. The Mac code signing certificates will sign applications, content and plug one for Mac OS X desktops digitally, so that Mac users will be confident that they are safe enough to download. | ![]() |
Office and VBA 代码签名证书Microsoft Office and VBA Code Signing Certificates
微软Office宏签名证书(Microsoft Office and VBA Signing Digital ID):数字签名微软Office宏文件和VBA代码等文件。 Having code signing on your products will allow your customers to know that it is important to you to keep things secure. Using code signing will let them know that you code’s source has been authenticated and that the content distributed online has high integrity. The certificates for Microsoft Office and VBA are designed to be used by developers who use Visual Basic for Applications for many environments including Microsoft Office. It allows VBA scripts, objects and macros to be digitally signed. |
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Android代码签名证书Android Code Signing Certificates
数字签署并优化适用于 Android 平台的 .apk 文件。 自动跟踪证书密钥并访问赛门铁克代码签名门户 (Symantec Code Signing Portal) 中完整的签名活动报告 Within the Symantec Code Signing Portal it is possible to keep track of the certificate keys that you have. The Android Code certificates allow .apk files to digitally signed. |
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Windows Phone代码签名证书Microsoft Windows Phone Code Signing Certificates
对 Windows Phone 和 Xbox 360 应用程序的代码进行数字签名。Microsoft App Hub 服务所必需的 Digitally sign code for Windows Phone and Xbox 360 applications. Required for Microsoft App Hub service. |
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Qualcomm BREW代码签名证书Qualcomm BREW Code Signing Certificate
By being able to digitally notarize BREW applications will allow you to become a commercial BREW developer. | ![]() |
企业型证书 OV SSL
COMODO 证书兼容性
浏览器和设备的兼容性是使用SSL最重要的部分。 Comodo SSL 证书支持99.3%+浏览器和设备. 浏览器与设备支持兼容性请在下方浏览器兼容性列表查询。