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Oracle Wallet Manager - 安装SSL证书

点击数:51782014-11-22 09:27:21 来源: 中国数字证书CHINASSL

SSL Certificate Installation in Oracle Wallet Manager

If you have not yet created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ordered your certificate, see Oracle Wallet Manager SSL - CSR Creation 

How to install your SSL Digital Certificate

1) Download the necessary certificate files

  1. You will need to install the TrustedRoot.crt, CHINASSLCA2.crt, CHINASSLCA.crt, and your_site_name.crt certificate files to your Oracle Wallet, in the same order listed here.
  2. Login to your CHINASSL customer account, select your SSL certificate order in the "View/Collect Orders" dropdown box and click GO. You can download each of these three certificates individually, or download them all at once by clicking the "All Certificates (Zip File)" button.

2) Import TrustedRoot.crt

  1. Launch Oracle Wallet Manager.
  2. Click Operations > Import Trusted Certificate in the menu bar.
  3. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears.
  4. Click Paste the Certificate, and click OK.
  5. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears with the following message: "Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below".
  6. Paste the entire contents of TrustedRoot.crt and click OK.
  7. A message at the bottom of the window should report that the trusted certificate was imported successfully.
  8. The certificate should appear at the bottom of the 'Trusted Certificates' tree.

3) Import CHINASSLCA2.crt

  1. Click Operations > Import Trusted Certificate in the menu bar.
  2. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears.
  3. Click Paste the Certificate, and click OK.
  4. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears.
  5. Paste the entire contents of CHINASSLCA.crt and click OK.
  6. A message at the bottom of the window should report that the trusted certificate was imported successfully.
  7. The certificate should appear at the bottom of the 'Trusted Certificates' tree.

4) Import CHINASSLCA.crt

  1. Click Operations > Import Trusted Certificate in the menu bar.
  2. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears.
  3. Click Paste the Certificate, and click OK.
  4. The Import Trusted Certificate dialog appears.
  5. Paste the entire contents of CHINASSLCA.crt and click OK.
  6. A message at the bottom of the window should report that the trusted certificate was imported successfully.
  7. The certificate should appear at the bottom of the 'Trusted Certificates' tree.

5) Import your Primary SSL Certificate (your_site_name.crt)

  1. Click Operations > Import User Certificate
    (not the Imported Trusted Certificate option used in the previous steps).
  2. The Import Certificate dialog appears.
  3. Select the Paste the Certificate radio button, and click OK.
  4. The Import Certificate dialog appears.
  5. Paste the entire contents of your Primary SSL Certificate file and click OK.
  6. A message at the bottom of the window should report that the certificate was imported successfully.
  7. When you are returned to the main window, wallet status should show "Ready."

6) Remember to save changes before closing the Wallet.

Troubleshooting Information

  • If your site works with Firefox but not in Internet Explorer: You may need to apply Oracle patchset 4505133. This is a known bug which affects Oracle HTTP Server when installed in from the Oracle Products Companion CD.
  • Oracle Wallet Manager does not support wildcard certificate installation. If you have purchased a wildcard certificate from CHINASSL and wish to use it with Oracle Wallet Manager, please contact our CHINASSL Support.