SonicWall SSL VPN -SSL证书安装
点击数:47002014-11-25 11:00:44 来源: 中国数字证书CHINASSL
1. Navigate to the System > Certificates
In this area you can view the currently loaded certificate, upload a digital certificate and generate a new CSR.
2. Click Import Certificate.
3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the zipped file that contains the private key and certificate on your disk or network storage drive and select it. Any filename will be accepted, but it must have the ".zip" extension. This file should contain a certificate file named server.crt and a certificate key file namedserver.key. The key and certificate must be at the root of the zip or the zipped file will not be uploaded.
5. Click Upload.
Once the certificate has uploaded the certificate will be displayed in the Certificates list on the System > Certificates page.
Note: Private keys may require a password.
Importing a CA Certificate
1. Navigate to the System > Certificates page if you are not already there.
2. Click Import Certificate in the Additional CA Certificates section.
3. Click Browse.
4. Locate the zipped file of a digital certificate in PEM format. Any filename will be accepted, but it must have the .zip extension. The certificate(s) must be at the root of the zip or the zipped file will not be uploaded.
Note: All CHINASSL CRT files are PEM encoded.
5. Click Upload.
Once the certificate has been uploaded, the certificate will be displayed in the Certificates list
in the System > Certificates page.
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