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Microsoft Exchange 2013 -CSR文件生成

点击数:77392013-11-20 18:40:37 来源: 中国数字证书CHINASSL

使用Exchange证书向导生成CSR文件Create your CSR with the New Exchange Certificate Wizard

  1. Access the Exchange Admin Center by opening a browser and browsing to https://localhost/ecp

  2. Login using Domain\user name as the format for the user name and enter your password.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  3. Click the link to Servers in the left column, then Certificates at the top right, then the + symbol.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  4. The "new exchange certificate" wizard will appear in a pop-up window

  5. Choose "Create a request for a certificate from a certification authority"

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  6. In the friendly name field, enter a name by which you will remember this certificate in the future.

    —This name is not an integral part of your certificate request.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  7. You can check the box and enter the root domain name if you will be generating the CSR for a wildcard. Otherwise, just go to the next screen.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  8. Hit Browse to choose which server you want to store the certificate request on.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  9. If you are doing a wildcard cert, you will skip this step. From the list, select the services which you plan on running securely by using Ctrl+Click to highlight the services.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

    At the next screen, you will be able to review a list of the names which Exchange 2013 suggests you include in your certificate request.

    —Review those names and add any extra names by using the + button.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  10. Your Organization name should be the full legal name of your company.

    —Your Department name is your department within the organization.

    —If you do not have a state/province, enter the city information again.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  11. Enter a network share path to save the CSR to your computer as a .req file, then Finish.

    Exchange Server 2013生成证书请求CSR文件

  12. 把上面生成好的CSR文件提交到中国数字证书CHINASSL,我们确认无误后尽快为您颁发证书,有任何问题请直接联系我们,相信我们可以为您提供安全可靠的解决方案。
